A Study in Karma
Annie Besant
Published in 1917
and Desire
Desire and Activity remain to be considered. Will is
the energy prompting to action, and while it is attracted and repelled by
outside objects, we call it desire, the lower aspect of Will, as thought is the
lower aspect of Cognition.
If a man, confronted by a pleasure-giving object,
grasps it without thought, he is moved by desire; if he holds himself back,
saying: "I must not enjoy it now, because I have a duty to perform,"
he is moved by Will. When the energy of the
Self is controlled and guided by right reason, it is
Will: when it rushes out unbridled, drawn hither and thither by attractive
objects, it is Desire.
Desire arises in us spontaneously; we like one thing,
we dislike another, and our likes and dislikes are involuntary; are not under
the control of the Will nor of the reason. We may make up reasons for them when
we wish to justify them, but they are elemental, non-rational, precedent of
thought. None the less may
they be brought under control, and changed – though
not directly.
Consider physical taste; an olive, preserved in brine,
is offered to a child, and is generally rejected with disgust. But it is a
fashionable thing to like olives, and your people persevere in eating them,
determined to like them, and presently they are fond of them. They have changed
their disliking to liking.
How is the change of taste brought about? By the
action of Will, directed by the mind.
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